April 20, 2016, Arriving at Centennial, Colorado:
Pink & Blue . . . . . . .
Thank You
Pix from the past:
DEC PDP-8/L and Ralph and the senior class, Fall 1966.
KN1FJV 1963
Susie Noe Baird and Lori and Melissa
My 1961 IHC Scout and Norwalk High quarterback sacked.
An offical image orthogon camera from NBC in New York moved to our basement.
Lindsey with her Grandpa.
Kyle Mullin
Captain and April (Captain on the left).
Colby working hard to assemble a workbench for Dad.
Visiting Chuck Allen's horses at Dry Creek Arabians.
and Guess who this is?
December 24, 2011 Merry Christmas
November 18, Kemah, Galveston
Maureen and Dad set off for a day away.
November 15, Kemah, Texas
Dinner before Texas EquuSearch meeting for fundraising.
November 7, Austin, Texas
November 4, Plano, Texas
GT a/k/a Uncle Glenn
Dad's Hallicrafters Dual Diversity-1 Shortwave Receiver; antennas set 1/4 mile apart to eliminate fading
May 31, 1958 IGY Postage Stamp, Earth Science and the artist's
idea. Like many nations participating in the IGY, the United States issued a
postage stamp commemorating this scientific undertaking. The following
information is quoted from the Post Office Department’s press release announcing
the issuance of the stamp: “The 3-cent International Geophysical Year
commemorative postage stamp to be placed on First-Day sale on May 31, 1958 in
Chicago is based on a photograph of the sun and depicts an area of intense solar
activity such as occurs periodically and is among the phenomena being studied
during the 18-month period of the International Geophysical Year. “The United
States program in the International Geophysical Year is under the direction of
the National Academy of Sciences. “Superimposed above the solar disc and the
fiery solar prominences emanating from it is a segment of Michaelangelo’s [sic]
famous fresco ‘The Creation of Adam.’ “Ervine Metzl, the designer of the stamp,
explained that ‘In the small confines of a postage stamp we have endeavored to
picture a man’s wonder at the unknown together with his determination to
understand it and his need for spiritual inspiration to further his knowledge.’
“Across the top of the stamp is the wording ‘International Geophysical Year
1957-1958,’ arranged in two lines, and across the bottom is ‘U.S. Postage 3c.’
All the lettering is in white-face Gothic. “The stamp will be printed on the
Giori rotary sheet-fed press, in two colors, black and orange, and perforated on
a L-type machine. The stamp will be 0.84 by 1.44 inches in dimension, arranged
horizontally, and issued in sheets of 50 with an initial printing of 120,000,000
What's a Doddlebugger? Ask Dad.
2011 Brynne, Bailey, Steve
July 13 to July 19, 2011, Baird Brothers flight to surprise Aunt Virgie
July 15, 2011 Butler, PA to New Bedford, Mass.
July 13, 2011 4:53PM
July 13, 2011 11:32AM
June 28, 2011. Short flight to Bay City to check airplane navigation avionics:
June 24, 2011. Dad named 2011 Colonel Edwin L. Drake Legendary Oilman by the Petroleum History Institute during an evening awards ceremony onboard a stern-wheeler paddle boat in the Ohio River that departed from Marietta, Ohio.
2011 Legendary Oilman Award
Dad is an author and contributor to Encyclopedia of Solid Earth Geophysics (in-press for July 2011)
Tim Miller accepts Community Builder award
May 2, 2011 Melissa
April 29, 2011, Ciudad del Carmen, Mexico, CME airport.
April 25-29, 2011, Dad in Ciudad del Carmen, MEX to advise Pemex deep water geoscience and engineering teams:
April 25, 2011 Ciudad del Carmen, Mexico, looking to the north.
April 17, 2011, Maureen and Ralph flew to Newark, Belmar, Spring Lake, Neptune City, NJ for Aunt Ree's 86 birthday:
Our six (6) well behaved, beautiful grandchildren:
January 2011: Mason, Jordan, Jocelyn, Bailey, Lindsey (oldest) with Brynne (youngest).
January 3, 2011 Houston, April and Tiffany:
December 12, 2010 Denver, Brynne Eaton:
December 6, 2010 Denver: Jocelyn, Melissa, Lori and Brynne:
December 3, 2010 Brynne Landis Eaton, born today to Steve and Lori
November 13, 2010 Mason 25.5 inches, now 3 months older
October 30, 2010: Jordan and Jocelyn: art ceramics at home:
October 29, 2010: getting ready for Halloween:
Lori and Melissa: Sisters forever:
Bailey, Jordan and Lori with one more:
Steve and Bailey:
October 4, 2010 Sputnik, no, Mason: Dad and Mason; Maureen and Mason.
Bailey Eaton
Melissa and Leadership Aurora
August 8, 2010 10:22AM Phoenix, Arizona. Welcome Mason Anthony Merenda 7# 6 oz 20 1/2 inches curly brown hair; born to FJ and Tiffany Merenda and one-big happy family......
3/31/2010 Uncle Glenn's Birthday
Click to view Uncle Glenn in action
3/28/2010 Maureen's BD
No cake, just a Kindle
March 23, 2010 F/A-18D South Carolina
March 8 and 9, 2010 New Orleans
Eatons, December 2009: Lindsey, Lori, Bailey, Steve:
Dad with delegation from Tanzania, East Africa:
Panel Discussion at the Diaspora Council of Tanzanians in America (DICOTA) Inaugural Convention that took place in Houston TX, October 1-4, 2009
The Planet Earth Institute: July 1, 2010
Welcome Bailey Eaton; two proud Grandpas (4/27/2009):
Returning from Lafayette Prospect Expo:
October 11, 2008 Mr. and Mrs. FJ Merenda:
New Photos from Melissa (3/20/2008):
December 23, 2007: Tiffany and FJ
Pre-Christmas December 17, 2007 Steve and Lori's home:
October 4, 2007 Dallas Love Field, Frontiers of Flight Museum, David Hoffman's 4th showing of Sputnik Mania:
1st Seattle International Film Festival, June 2007
2nd Elon University, Elon, North Carolina, September 26, 2007
3rd Washington, DC, National Press Club, October 1, 2007
October 2, 2007 Sergei Khruschev, Paul Dickson, Stephen Dick, Cold War Debate, Northern Virginia University. Paul Dickson’s book, Sputnik: The Shock of the Century is the basis for David Hoffman’s new feature documentary Sputnik Mania which Dickson co-authored. The audio book versions are dedicated to Ralph Baird of Houston, Texas whose interest in the lessons of Sputnik and the International Geophysical Year knows no bounds.
Diane Grundy and Bruce Baird's Wedding, Acushnet, Mass., September 22, 2007
Lindsey BD ..... here ... July 15th
Jordan's 4th Birthday
Kyle's 26th BD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Need some pix)
Dodge's Graduation May 16, 2007 << Click top download video - big 23 MB AVI file >>
Tiffany Birthday- Nice Time
April 15, 2007 60 Years: Jackie Robinson's 1st Day: NUMBER 42, The Brooklyn Dodgers
April's 25th BD April 10 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-need some pix --
Location: NCAR (National Center for
Atmospheric Science)
Center Green Facility, Boulder, Colorado
FEB. 4, 2007 Denver, Co.
December 2006
Lindsey Morey Middle School Winter Concert, Direction of Ms. Lorrie Baum
San Antonio Native American Art Show - Bob Lansing, famous Navajo artist
Click to see Bob's work < click here >
November 2006
Dad in Denver
October 2006
September 2006
September 24 Historic Launch of SL-1 from SPACEPORT AMERICA, Sierra County, New Mexico with Uncle Glenn
September 11, 12th and 13th - Dad in Washington with Congressmen for the National Science Foundation:
Position Paper and Comments by R. W. Baird << Click Here >>
August 2006
April graduates Texas Tech University
Lindsey returns from horse camp
July 2006
Lindsey Denver Birthday and Getting Ready for JCC Ranch Camp
Kyle Birthday Houston
OTC Houston
Tiffany Denver
April Lubbock
March 2006
Houston Rodeo
Maureen Houston
Feb 2006
View from hotel window, night and day.
Search- Seguin, Texas
Feb 1, 2006 . . . and . . . Jordan is . . . . . . The Big Sister.
A busy day: Feb 1 : Jocelyn Rose Clifford-Baird - 7:42pm - 7# 14.7 oz - 19 1/2 inches
Above: left to right: Melissa and new baby Jocelyn, Eric and Jocelyn at St. Joseph's, Tiffany, Jocelyn, Eric and Susie at St. Joseph's, Melissa at home, . . . Jocelyn at home !!!!!!! ... and flight to Denver over Crawford, TX 2/1/06.
Here is a slide show of Feb 1-3: 10.5MB PDF FILE Right click to download or Left click to run.
Jan 2006
Colby Houston
Lori Denver
Denver: Jan 6 - 8 Lubbock then Denver
Dec 2005
Search- Orchard, Texas
Search- Lake Erie, New York
Search- NW Houston, Texas
Search- Dickinson Bayou, Texas
June 2005
May 2005
East Coast Trip in a Small Plane
Lindsey Kittenridge University KU
10th BD Cory Elementary School:
Lori 12/2004
Lori and Steve, 2004
Jordan June 2003 Jordan Sep 2003 First Birthday June 12, 2004
12/10/2004 Melissa, Eric, Jordan:
Jordan Dec. 30, 2004:
Colby Spring Woods High School
Kyle Stephen F. Austin University
Vote on the new SFA
school logo.
Tiffany TDB Lori J. Baird 1 2 3 4 5 6 Melissa 1 2
April 1 Texas
Tech University
Fort Lewis College (Lori)
Colorado State University (Melissa)
University of Colorado (Tiffany)
(Dad) Colorado School of Mines
Roadrunner_page Future AOPA Pilot
Transportation for the 21st Century: The SkyCar
Gibson Les Paul Classic Premium Plus
Ham Radio W5SXX From tubes to packet networking
Pencil Drawing --- figure drawing
Photography -- Commercial and instruction
Bellanca N93546 Fastest plane for the money
Corvette C5 Fastest car for the money
Games Use at your own risk
TV Pioneer John Logie Baird 1 2 3 4 5 6 Family Scottish heritage
Baird Science Foundation
Texas EquuSearch, Dickinson, Texas
SEG Foundation Trustees Associates
Colorado School of Mines Presidents Council
American College of Healthcare Executives
Angel Flight America- Angel Flight South Central
www.soundadviceband.com Mike Hebert Famous musicians and they are available for hire !
www.petroneft.com Dennis C. Francis David E. Sanders, JD